Saturday, July 21, 2007

when cosette and cyrus came to visit

we had a very happy higgins!

but you're going to have to trust me on this ... because blogger won't let me load the photos. :(

i will try again tomorrow, and see if i can get them up here .....

who's cosette and cyrus right? cosetter is higgin's mommy, and cyrus is higgin's uncle ....

the breeder is still here locally for one more week, as she is taking a course. so, she asked to come for a visit, check on the big fella and answer our million questions. and she brought with her the proof that we are as nuts as we are being labeled here in our neighborhood. heh. these grown up newfies are large. really large.

it was a glorious day, and we were outdoors for hours.

higgin's is happily sleeping right now, so sean and i are about to go do the same .....
** edited to add the photos! :O) the first two are cosette, and the last one here to the left is cyrus. the breeder said that higgins will likley be larger than cyrus as the dad was larger than cyrus, and mom is 120lbs.

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