Friday, July 06, 2007

day 1


as in rained out game. :O( so sad ... the boys were totally bummed out, and severely disappointed, to say the least. we now have 3, count 'em folks, 3 games tomorrow. should be interesting to watch a group of over 30 year olds (except for 2 - 28yr olds) try and survive 3 baseball games. this is NOT softball. we're talking baseball.

and my hubby's pretty convinced that someday, *someday* there'll be a scout there for him.

uh huh. (wink,wink)

back to reality. so, instead of heading out to dinner and trying to corral 25 people (16 adults, 9 kids) to a restaurant, someone geniously recommneded going to the grocery store for some burgers, steak and dogs, and we grilled. kids played tennis on the hotel court, swam in the coveted indoor pool, and we had a few pops all the while chatting and laughing. good times.

i brought the kiddies to bed at about 10:00, and they are peacefully sleeping dreaming of the games tomorrow I am sure .... or the full day of fun at baseball fields while the games are going on.

so, here's to a dry day tomorrow, and some good old American baseball! :)

batter up!

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