Monday, March 24, 2008


yep. that's my age. today was the day, 40 years ago, that i made my family a "table of 5". i am pretty certain that i changed the lives that were present at that time. for the better, i'd like to think.

and honestly, that's a pretty cool thing to think about. i hope i continue to impact those around me positively, and "in the better". and i hope it happens for many years to come. 'cause really, 40 is the new 30.

have you heard?

but for today, i am 40.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

14 days

since my last post. time flies when you're havin' fun!

but really, life just started moving fast about two weeks ago, and kind of kept on ticking. so what's been going on?

let's see, shall we?
  • cameron had baseball tryouts
  • then he had a playoff hockey game for one of his teams - tough loss 1-0!
  • two or three brithday parties ... can't keep track
  • kendall had a gymnastics meet - she ROCKED!
  • kendall then had softball tryouts - again, rockin' it!
  • we had a hockey team function at the local AHL team location. they played a game vs another young local team, and then we watched the AHL game that afternoon
  • the state hockey playoffs began - they are kickin' it with a 4th game tonight - if they win, they are in the championship game!
  • sean and i crashed a wedding (not a *true* crash - a really fun crash that was kinda sorta planned)
  • AAU baseball practices, and fun events
  • St. Paddy's day celebration weekend, and recovery. ;)
  • sean's soon-to-be work function, and fundraiser for a local burn center
  • oh yeah, and - school, work, and general life with two young kids ... also.
so, see, kinda busy. but all good, clean busy.

Mr. Higgins turned one last week. isn't he the most adorable thing on the earth right now? :O) well, besides my kids of course.

so, i think that's about the size of the update .... will hopefully be a bit better with blogging.

laters -

Thursday, March 06, 2008

girls ROCK!

that girl right in the middle with a big grinning hollar is my niece Jess..... she and her teammates clinched the state high school girls Div II title last night .... she had 7 goals in 4 games, 4 of the goals and one assist in the game before last night, and then a goal and an assist on the game winning overtime goal last night to seal the deal. my girl got MVP of the playoffs, and celebrated like a champ!

she is the classiest kid too. check this out - the college where they played the games gave her the game puck and told her she rocked, and she placed the puck in the middle of the lockeroom floor and told her team that it wasn't her puck, it was the TEAM puck. coach took it and will cut it into 19 pieces for the entire team to have as memorabilia. awesome.

the coolest thing, too? she is a FRESHMAN in high school. she still has three more years to keep on keepin' on.

i am, WE are, SO SO Proud!!!

Jess, you rock, girl!!!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

wanting ... and getting .. a little control

so, i am one of those parents that *tries* to choose my battles. sometimes, i fall from grace, and yes, fight them ALL. but other times, and thankfully, more often than not (i hope) i choose them.
together, sean and i have chosen not to fight the battle of the hair. the kid wanted long(er) hair. he was seeking some control in his life over his body and appearance(as is the norm for 9 years old, i suspect).

so we've gone from this: (he's on the left - :)

to this:

and personally, i think it is downright adorable! he wants to let the front grow more, but keep the back "in check and not too long". he brushes it, and wets it in the morning, and even adds some gel to the wrangly bed head strands when he needs to. i don't know how long it will last once we get the scorching temperatures this summer, but until he says good bye to it, we're stickin' with it.
and truthfully, controlling ones appearance is one of the first steps to ... gulp ... growing up, isn't it?

feelin' awesome ...

great workout today - endorphins running HIGH!

sean heard from the great job he is excited about and the owner wants him to fly down to meet him. good sign, there, for sure!

spring weather with NO RAIN today!

woohoo! good day .....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

primary election ... rain ... bryan is HOME! ...spring temps ... chocolate chunk cookies ... art! ... baseball softball ... gymnastics hockey playoffs

yeah. that's what my thoughts are right now .....

today was the primary for our state. cameron asked to come and vote - he wanted to vote for the candidate that he'd like to win. i was loving this .. not only a great opp to teach about the process, but his interest was so real. he saw the ballots, and the machines, and all the people, and he was fascinated with the HUGE district book of names, and addresses "all those people are voting in this election?!" good stuff .... and it's only the beginning!

the rain fell today, and it will be falling until thursday here. :O( the rain with the spring temps makes lots and lots and lots and lots of .... mud. bleck. mud on 12 paws is hard to keep up with. however, it's just a brief moment until the green, green grass covers the cold winter grounds, and we don't have the mud anymore. :o)

Bryan is home - in hawai'i! safe, sound, and sunburned already from all the golf he played over the weekend! :) i am sure his skin was pasty white ... but he is happy as can be to be home .... as are cam and kendall. all they kept saying on the phone was 'i'm so happy you're home ... so happy!' {{warm feeling}}

i made chocolate chunk cookies tonight ... someone has been waiting patiently for them.he's such a sport to wait. my choco-holic hubby. :)

the kids have been drawing/creating fanatics! i am loving it - and kendall has been using my old sketch book that i never completed. (gasp!) but it was prolly number 3276 sketch book at that point. heh

baseball is almost in full swing. (pun intended) sean is at the cage tonight practicing, and cam's been going once a week for two months or so. evals are this coming weekend for town league selection. he's already on an aau team, so he's pretty psyched. softball evals are next weekend ... practice has been sparce for the little gal, but daddy will be sure to get some in before the eval.

she has a gym meet this weekend, and cam starts hockey playoffs this weekend too.

in a nutshell. life's a little nutty. but it's a good nutty .... and i am going out with the gals tomorrow night just to let off some steam ....

OOO! my niece scored 4 goals last night at her high school playoof game, and catapulted the team into the finals! wish her luck - game's tomorrow night !! :O)

that's all - off to jam in some work - lol!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Flopper has a birthday!

ah, yes, we all have them. birthdays. even when you're white, fluffy, and well loved by a certain 7 year old.

so, we began with this: mixing of the cake...

licking of mixing utensils along with the obligatory sharing of said utensils with the big brother ....

place it carefully in the oven so that the heat doesn't getcha in the face ....
cheat with the "easy frosting" .... because you can.

invite the noble neighbors, the lovely friends, and of course, the rich and famous ....

sing the song .... cut the goodies ... and indulge!

'twas a lovely afternoon, one filled with girlie chatter, and silly giggles. the big brother got involved, and there was a spill or two, but in the end, a very respectable way to age up. if you are a fluffy, white, loved bunny.
