Friday, July 27, 2007

friday and the living was easy ...

had some friends over today, girlfriends, and their kids. my cousin is here for the weekend (well, my cousin's 7 year old son ... so he's my 2nd cousin) so, in all, 7 kids, here laughing, swimming, eating, and enjoying the summer.

love that my house is the place that gathers the troops ... not only do i know where the kids are, i know where the adults are too. :o)

it was a hot day in the sun, and activity.

the house is dimly lit, i have one of the dogs snoring behind me, and the three remaining children (the ones that belong here) are sleeping soundly.

good fun, good day, and a good night ahead.

see you all saturday ....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Your love for all that activity is wonderful; as an introvert, it would be hard to have that all the time, but I've been mulling it over and want very much to be the place my kids want to bring their friends to. First, though, we need to find some local friends. ;)