Saturday, July 28, 2007

hydrangeas and butterfly houses

these are what beauty in the summer is to me ....

most especially because they are in MY backyard right now. :)

and then there's some fun with our inviting habitat to wee guests. we have a butterfly house hidden in one of the many gardens around the yard. the kids and i painted it early spring, and we "planted" it then. now that we've been watching it closely for the new tenants to arrive for several weeks ... we think there is a family in there!

and something that i don't yet have a photo of ... but plan on getting SOON - we had a hummingbird in the backyard today!!! YAY! i have a little nectar feeder that we've been trying to find just the right place for ... and lo! a wee hummingbird flits by us, stops to sniff, and away she went into the neighbor's yard ... i about peed myself with glee! :)
so, the plan is to place the feeder tomorrow, and perhaps obtain a new one to add to the collection.
i love, love, love my backyard. each year it gets better and better! :)


Peter Linzell said...
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Francine said...

A hummingbird - that is so very cool. I hope you manage to get a picture!

And your blue hydrangeas... I love them blue. Mine just always turn pink, it has something to do with the amount of calcium in the water, I believe.

Natalie said...

I love the butterfly house! What a cute idea; did you make? Or buy?

We've had a few hummingbirds here, too; apparently, one of the plants in our yard attracts them. I put out some feeders, too, and have seen at least one. I would love to get a picture of one of those little guys, too!

Beautiful blue hydrangeas, Karin! I wonder if they'd grow here? After we do some soil conditioning, I mean. ;)