Thursday, June 07, 2007

paradigm shift

i've had one, and i am liking the fallout.

positive speak.

that's my shift - speak kindly, positively, and 'lift-em-up'.

or don't say what's on your mind right then, if it isn't comprised of aforementioned qualities.

so far, it's catchy. imagine that? i'm thinking that it will be a catchy kind of trend here .... one that becomes the norm.

had a wonderful conversation with sean's aunt, and we had an opportunity to discuss the in-law angst i was having. i really love her. i am so very lucky to have her in my life.

had a tiring, and long week ... off to dream.

i'll catch ya tomorrow, i hope.


Natalie said...

I'm glad you're feeling more positive, but I had to LOL at "paradigm shift" - not because there's anything wrong with it, but rather because the first time I ever heard of it was when I worked HR/Employee Relations at my old job. My boss was a new age-y kinda chick who was just a little too groovy for our white-shirt-'n-tie financial company. Anyway, just a random memory... ;)

Francine said...

Hey sweetie. Just popped into day hi, and love seeing you a bit more upbeat.

Although San Fransisco sounded heavenly.