Friday, August 18, 2006

The Power of Will

The battle of the stubborns.

Why do children think they can out - will their mother?

Are they not given the note at birth that their mother has the will of 1,000 times her body strength?

Is there not a communication from the kid-directors that they need to step back and realize that when the going gets tough, the mother will win?

Have they not been paying attention these 5 years 11 months and 361 days?

Do they make girls all the same though, these angels that make people?

Are the girls of the world prepared from the moment they are conceived to be resistent to things that "aren't fair, and not right"?

Are girls persistent because if they give in, someone, somewhere will hear it / see it / know it, and forever they will be labeled as a giver-upper?

Oh, dear me. I think I am being tested. It is entirely possible. I know this.

That child, she has the strength of JOBE.
She is persistent.
Intolerant of injustice (in her mind, anyway).
Unreasonable when she is stuck in a "moment".

And dang it all, freaking *just like her mother*. :o
But, in the spirit of acceptance and love - I am in a place that I learn and fall DEEPLY in love every day, to a WHOLE new level with WHO my children are; I am accepting and loving the fabric that they are made of - I need to say

She is ALSO:

intolerant of injustices.
strong beyond her years.
not easily swayed of her opinion.

And she will never let anyone step on her, push her over, persuade her to "give in", or force an unwanted activity.

She may just be President someday. :O)



Francine said...

You forgot 'stunningly beautiful' in your little list, there :)

Angela said...

I agree with Fransie - she is adorable, too! :o)

Hang in there, momma!