Tuesday, September 11, 2007


i thought i would be able to catch up with a post filled with chapters of the last few weeks, however, on this day, i can't.

my thoughts and my mind have been distant today. struggling to feel comfortable, and yet, working hard to move forward.

i remember exactly what i was doing. i was traveling and heard the man on the radio screaming that the tower had been hit. i remember the first call, and every word that was spoken, on my cell phone back home to my family, to be sure all was okay. i remember that horrible, undeniable fear that swept over me. i was 100 miles away from my children, my husband, and my family. my thoughts: bring me home now, let me see them one more time. i have to.

although the time moves on, remembering is essential.

today, for this day, for the families and the world, i will remember.

*peace to you, to all of us*

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