Saturday, January 31, 2009

7 days

it's been since my last post. wow, what a week!
i was in mexico from last sunday (the 25th of Jan) through thurs the 29th. it was work related, and there was a little bit of fun involved. i crossed off another item on my bucket list while i was there ..... i ziplined over the jungle. the 'over the jungle' part wasn't necessarily part of the item, but that was a bonus as well, the only way it was happening there. :) that was a BLAST!

the meeting was good - energizing, revitalizing, and re-focusing. exactly what the company hopes will happen.

so, friday was a catch up day, the evening was wrapped with a hockey game, and today was a five hour marathon of cleaning a very neglected house. right now, i am sitting with my hubby (who by the way was part of said marathon - how 'bout that?) watching the taped bruins game from today - OOOO they just scored! woohoo - 1-0 against the Rangers ..... and enjoying a well earned brewskie.
i've got some stories that have been building up for the last couple of weeks, and will be coming back to document. for now though, i've got a facebook addiction that i need to feed. :)

1 comment:

Francine said...

I just came back from Vienna. Same thing, minus de zipline and the jungle :-)