yeah, Cam thought that crate was just part of the apparatus that went along with the shoulder pads, and gloves, and shin pads, helmet..... the one thing he couldn't have right away that he yearned for was a stick. he gazed, starstruck at the 'advanced' kids (the 5 and 6 year olds!) at the other end that had the sticks, and were shooting pucks. every time he got on the ice, he asked the coach if he could go down there - where the sticks were. the answer was always 'soon, my friend, soon'.
and soon it was. he didn't last long with that crate (they took it that session, and told him he was all set alone) nor did he last long in that section of the ice. he was quickly led to the other end where the 'advanced older kids' were .... but still no stick. gotta learn to really skate well, said the coach. so he forged on, and learned to really skate well. two years of no stick on the ice later, he was blessed with his stick. and now, he hasn't looked back.
this weekend, we are heading north to the beautiful city of Toronto to participate in the Silversticks Tournament. it is apparently the premier tourney in both countries. they will have some tough opponents, and surely, the kids have their work cut out for them. they are facing the number one 9 year old team in Canada, and the number 4 & 5 teams in the USA for their age group. so, the games will be challenging.
but the trip will be one of memory making. it will be a treat, and a fabulous video in our heads and hearts. I have traveled so much in my life with swimming, and my brother and sister's sports .... the memories are all there. and they are among my favorites. i know this will be too!
and #44 will be ready when he dons his skates on Friday for the first time - in an arena that will be nothing like the ones he sees here in USA.
his crazy parents succumbed to the request of this (his idea, isn't it AWESOME!?) .... as it is, sean and i both feel strongly that self expression in this manner is perfectly appropriate when you're 9 ... in the business world, not so much .... and the best part is, he is YEARS away from that! :) it is too, hair, afterall, and it will grow back. the way this kid grows hair, it'll prolly be growing in by sunday ....
he is very excited, and very anxious to be there as a team.
as are we.
this Thanksgiving, we as a family have so much to be grateful for, and so much thanks .... of which include the opportunity to be part of this fantastic trip with my kids, and husband, and parents. what a journey it will be. what a memory for us all.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours .... may your gratefulness spill over in your cups!
xo, karin