Sunday, October 19, 2008

it's been wonderful!

i always find it funny when people speak of their married lives, and lament over how 'making it' to a certain year has been challenging, or at best, shocking they got there. i have always wondered why anyone would say that about a person that they chose to spend the rest of their lives with. they pledged their heart to that person, and i for one, protect my heart and my love. often too, they created life, through love, with that person, and have children.

don't get me wrong, i don't live this disillusioned life where everyhting is roses, and sweet cheery pleasantries. sure, we've had bumps and bruises along this path, but celebrating eleven years as this man's wife, and life partner has been anything but challenging.

as i sit back and look at the time we've been together (22 years { gulp } i've known him. 13 years as a couple) i don't say things like "i can't believe we've lasted" or "how will i do another 11?!" what i find myself saying is this:

i am the lucky one
i thank my stars that someone sent me you
i am so happy that our children get to call you daddy
i am so excited for the next 111 years with you
i am more in love with you today than i was yesterday

happy anniversary, hon. 143 always.

xo me

1 comment:

Nichole M said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!