Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a new day

and it feels like there are some clouds lifting from my head .... and my soul.

i think it may be related to the angst and fears of "new teacher/new class/new school year" kind of stuff. that and new adventure career wise for sean that started a few weeks ago.

what's really strange is this: for 9 1/2 and (gulp!) 8 years, we've been so focused and geared towards working with our resistent to transition children, and in all honesty WE too resist the transitions. well, i do. sean is likley better - he's so resilient, and embraces change with gusto. i ease in, and touch the water with one toe. once there, i'm full steam ahead, but getting there is the journey. my kids are the very same.

so, although we only tipped the toe in the water on monday, it in effect made me breathe a smidge easier. and the light began to come through the trees more brightly.

i think i'm sighing. a release, gentle sigh.

one step.

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