Monday, July 21, 2008

friday, saturday, sunday ....

fun weekend, and really sunny, hot, and full of family & friends.

Friday, our first visit to the beach! (typically only a few times a summer ... when you own a pool in your backyard, it's kinda like that ....)

chicken fights in the backyard .... laughter and loads of splashing!

my 17 year old niece and her fantastic boyfriend! (yes, she's got herself a redhead! :)

the best part of a "fantastic" boyfriend is the fact that he adores playing .... and when a certain 9 year old is involved with anything to do with playing, it'll go on and on and on ....

lots-a-swimmin' and lots of doin' nothing ....
..... and at the end of the day, sitting down with a warm towel, and hanging out.
mom's just a pain with that telephoto lens. ;)

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