Monday, October 29, 2007

toiling in the garden

planting the seeds of growth.

it really is that kind of existence these days ..... 4th quarter is like that in sales. i would suspect any sales, of any kind, in any industry.

medical sales is especially interesting, you see. you spend all year planting the seeds, and then fertilizing, and then watering, and weeding, and pruning, and nurturing, and watering some more .... and then BAM! one day, you walk outside, and there's a blessed, knock-you-down, make you almost weep with glee, gorgeous bloom in your face. it's the 4th quarter for me. i have been watering all year.

where's the bloom?

i know it's coming ... i know it's just beyond the vision in my eye. it's right there.

patience they say, is a virtue. i will be patient. more patient.

because truthfully, it is there - many, many, many large full blossom blooms. {grins} be patient.

and really, isn't there a life lesson in this one? isn't it kids that are the bloom that we "get" in their adulthood. that moment of pause we have when they appear in front of us - momentous, or benign ordinary day kind of moment - and we wonder how we possibly allowed the time to zip by without braking furiously to slow it all down ....

i can be patient. very patient. my brakes are working.

my little k-gal reminded us tonight just how patient we all need to be. at dinner, the conversation was an animated one (shocking, i know) about monthly 'costs' a household endures .. something like: "so, mom, if we didn't use electricity for the month, would we still have a bill to pay?" "if you didn't use the phone for the month, would the bill still come?" "why are there bills anyway? why can't we all just not pay them?" hmmmmmm .... the minds of 8.5, and 7 year olds - g.e.n.i.o.u.s if you ask me. :) but really, this is all pertaining to the unit at school that she is doing 'wants versus needs' 'have to's versus want to's' and apparently she's listening, and expounding on it to reach different levels. i find it wonderful, especially to coincide with our family discussions of chipping in to help around the house, and we all 'work' to keep the family moving - they know that mommy and daddy work, and have paychecks etc, but they don't have the worry of bills, you know? - there'll be plenty of time for that worry, if you ask me. so, yeah, i digress ....

as we're chatting ..... she sits there, and after we answer the monthly bills question, she says "geez, i don't want to grow up - " s and i look at each other and smile.

true, that. it ain't all that's it's cracked up to be. grown up. pfffttttt.

oh, but she and he will be blooms. they will be blessed, knock-you-down make you almost weep with glee, gorgeous blooms - in your face! :O)

toiling in the garden ... it is a wonderful thing.

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