i am feeling like i am getting several things done, and working hard, playing hard, and accomplishing some things .... but i sit and wonder what to write about it all.
so, i will randomly chatter here .... and hopefully, connect the dots from last week to this, and see where it "all went".
* Murphy is seemingly doing a bit better. the wimpering has subsided for the most part - he is still doing it on occasion, but it appears to be in a deep sleep stage. dreaming? deeper pain that i don't fully understand? i dunno. his limping is sooooo much better, almost non-existent. he is spending an awful lot of time in the house with me. it's been awfully cold so i need to keep him in anyway. but he is especially clingy to me. moreso than normal, but i don't mind. he is such a lovebug. :O) thanks for the kind wishes - it appears he is better. i told the vet all of this, and he seems to think it was a passing painful boo boo related to the nail that was broken. poor guy.
* jumped back into the work thing, and saw loads of customers last week. also saw the boss for a performance review. a very good one, for sure. feeling like i have had a good year, and saw some sweet success, and he does too. that was nice. hate the judgement of the dang things though. hoping to see another good one this year .... working on that for sure!
* traveled to Maine over the latter part of the week. worked in a small hospital that had some strange characters in the department (anesthesia dept that is) but just the same, had some good success with the capital devices there.
* hubby traveled northward to spend the night there, but before we saw all his pals, we ventured to meet the newest additions of one of the couples -TWINS! so stinking cute they are, and man are they wearing out their parents ..... only 8 weeks old, but 4 weeks adjusted age, so they are still quite new. mom and dad are spent. wish we lived closer, would be visiting and relieving far more often. {swoon - baby smell}
* watched a pond hockey game for the first time ever in my life. and my kid was a participant. that was way cool. i was a wee bit shaky walking on ice .... weird feeling that is. weird. but the day was really fun (uhm, no camera. d'oh!) k gal was there too, and she enjoyed it thoroughly!
* little man was hurt in practice - not awful, but it was his neck, so that was a scary thing. :O( he seems fine, just stiff today. appears to be all muscular. thankfully!
* later sunday went to the coach's house who has an outdoor rink there, and took these shots:
the little sisters..... so stinking cute, huh?
* my nephew, my godson turned 16 on sat and i am still in awe. unreal. i remember the day he was born, and the phone call. man, was that yesterday!
* made a delicious beef stew today for dinner tonight. one of my goals for the year (not a resolution, don't like that word so much) is to cook more here, and less eating out. been very very good. enjoying the cooking too. perhaps a treat for me will be a new cookbook.
* worked my way out of a fave pair of jeans .... yep, the RIGHT way though. they are entirely too big. :O) THAT was another goal for the year - continue with the healthy eating, and gym going 5-6 days a week. i have four or five more pants that are entirely too big at this point, and i am worried that i will be needing a new wardrobe (or a fabuloso seamstress!)
* snow is coming! heard that wednesday we are in line for a nice little snowstorm ..... here's hoping they AREN'T wrong. :O) yay!
i think that's about all the things that have been going on ... will try and get here more to scratch the words down.
valentine's to be made tomorrow .... so pictures will follow!
cheers, and thanks for being here ...... :o)
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