Sunday, September 17, 2006

Perhaps the planets are aligning .... ?

Okay, don't want to say too much here (so as not to jinx anything ...)


sure could use some positive, healing (not the sick or hurt kind of healing, but life changing kind ...) and lucky vibes for some very special people in my family.

some good stuff happened today, that *maybe, just maybe* could be the start of pixie dust for them.

can ye spare any more, friends?


thanks! (and no worries .... I WILL share the news as it all comes together ..... )



Natalie said...

Sending PVs and all that good stuff for a perfect planetary alignment... :)

Francine said...

Pixie dust is my thing, man. Positive vibes comnig your way.


Angela said...

Sending them your way today - hope they get there just in time!