Thursday, May 04, 2006


It's what I feel like my head is doing right now.

Spinning with so much in it! I have been truly trying to land from that training/meeting that I went to last week in Chicago. It was a great trip, and definitely a mentally challenging week. We've been taught some really great things with which I can be very successful with my job ... I think. The increased challenge is to try the things, and get more comfortable with them. I have been, and this week has been a really good week to touch the wheels to the ground so to speak .... lots of OR time, and lots of opportunity to talk about the newest evolution to the products. I just feel so overhwelmed with the information. I feel like I am battling to get it straight in my head. It's been all week, too. Ironically, I feel like I am on my game with this new ammunition I was taught. Isn't that a juxtaposition?

So, with that, I am making a change to my thinking .... I need to just separate the issues / concerns / things and deal with them one at a time. (an old friend told me this trick) inevitably, you'll feel less overwhlemed with the details if you single them out. So, I am going to do that. I am starting tonight. I will clear the brain, set the details for the action "dots" and set the details for the detail "dots" in my head. I will then re-write the goals, and focus on clearly defined agendas for the goals.

Sheesh, that sounds easy. (read: oiy. That might take a while .... {sigh} )

On another note, K-gal has been drawing that line in the sand like a true champion, folks. (uhm, yeah, perhaps she could be adding to the overwhelming feeling?) Who said that a 5 year old could do this? I need a book on this ... any suggestions? Mental note: google the topic - school-age girls who like to be the boss; Kindergarteners that will run the country - next week; 5 year olds that are determined, defiant, and delicious all at the same time......

Positive thing, though - it is such a blessing to have the opportunity to be a mom to a self-directed, strong, independent, charismatic, warm, loving and full-of life, beautiful girl. She is all that I want her to be - and some of what I don't.

It is a delicate balance this female connection. I will get through it. I know. She will too. We're just figuring each other out. ;)

C-dude on the other hand is suffering (mildly at the worst of it, to be honest, thank goodness) from an inner ear infection. Haven't had one of those in 5 years maybe. Had a visit to the ped, and got the oral anbx. Hard to imagine how he got it, but likely the shower, not drying well in the ear. Hoping this is the only one with the summer rapidly approaching and the ear infections abounding. Had a great baseball game tonight, and hockey clinic after. (with luck, it'll be the ONLY conflict we have this spring with the two)

Busy weekend planned, but very UN-busy Friday .... I bet I'll be back here to bang away at the keyboard a bit before the weekend. :O)



Sue said...

Karin, as a mother of a 7 yr old who could be K's personality-twin, I can sympathize with you. M's stick-to-it-iveness astounds me, and infuriates me at times, but I know that it's a trait that can be wonderful in a girl (and woman). It's just the learning how to deal with it part that is tough right now. Our girls are going to be amazing, strong women some day. But in the mean time, hang in there, and know that you're not alone!

I hope C feels better soon!

Francine said...

Hope C feels better soon!!

I so know about testing limits. i have a limter tester, myself, although of the other gender. It can be really, really trying.

Now, grab your head to make it stop spinning, take a deep breath, and post some pics of your two! ;-)

Angela said...

Ugh, the battles! I'm right there with you girl! Different battles, but battles all the same.

I'm a mean, mean Mom.
