Monday, January 30, 2006

Lift me in song

Lately, music has just rung in my ears .... literally and figuratively. My wonderful, and ever-so-thoughtful hubby bought me an iPod before I went on my venture to Mexico. I don't think I've mentioned it here .... (might be the only place I haven't, actually) ... but - I LOVE THAT LITTLE THING!!!!! It is delicious, and just one helluva an invention! Sheesh .. whatever did we do before these teensy-weensy music players?

oh, my, my,my .... how it can change all that I am processing in my little head. I wear it on my walks, to the gym, working out at home, the entire flight to and from Mexico, and also anywhere I can "get away with it". I haven't even finishing loading all the songs I want yet .... I have so many that I want in there, and so little time. ;o) What an invention! heh.

But that's the literal side, the music *is* in my ears. Now, the figurative side - I think it's my daughter that is doing this to me. We BOTH walk around the house humming, and even singing, she sings in the bath, the shower, in her room, playing with dolls, the dogs, getting her coat on ... you name it, there is music in her head - and she puts it in mine!! I love it! I find myself reaching to play music all day long. (truthfully, I prefer that over the 'tube, and will always prefer that!)

C-man sings, too, but not nearly as often ... and not the same way. He sings with his movements, his action. I'll try to explain ... picture this: bounding down the stairs humming, and throwing a word or two that you might know, then swinging from the bottom of the banister to jump onto the floow at the bottom of the stairs, and the "bam" of his feet is the end of the song. Can you hear it?

It is a musical house in many ways. :O)

I may have missed my calling .... I do hope that my kids "hear" theirs and develop the love of music. Especially K, who is currently taking piano lessons. I think C will love to try guitar as he has always discussed that as an interest. Just need to fit that in. ;o)

I think of the entertainment that I could be witness to ... oh, how that makes me smile. A pianist, and a guitarist. A hockey player, and a gymnast. An artist, and a baseball player.

The world is your oyster - I hope we can be the widest ocean in which to spread those "fins" to try it all.

The music of children is the best music of all.


Natalie said...

Lovely post, Karin! And I have to nod in agreement - Molly sings all the time; her classmate pronounced her as a shoo-in for AI, lol. Anyway, your words made me smile, and I thought you'd like to know it!

Francine said...

What a cool post. M sings too. And she dances. Oh, she dances. Whenever she hears anything remotely resembklinbg a rythm she rocks her little butt.

Love reading about redgirl.

Also, I need an Ipod. :-p