Saturday, May 24, 2008

good question

sometimes in all the honesty and forthright answers we (sean and i) made a commitment to sticking with, there is that comment back that throws us.

today, it happened. to me.

sean was with kendall at gymnastics, and cam and i were running a few errands, over the radio in the car, an ad for prostate cancer runs. cam waits until the completion to ask me his questions.

"mom, what's prostate cancer?"

"well, the prostate is an organ close to the penis and testicles, and gettting cancer in that organ can be common. usually it doesn't affect people until they are much older than you, and even daddy" (he, sadly, has been made aware of a diganosis of cancer through some friends, and family so that was easily understood)

looking at me with a little bit of a smirk, he says " mom, seriously, no need to spell it out, just say groin."

yah, okay kid.

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