Sunday, February 03, 2008


in a big fat way.

there are some long faces here at this house. my hubby isn't really all that surprised, because he said the Pats played terribly. the Giants wanted it more tonight.

cam however, is a completely different story. i have no doubt he will remember this loss for the rest of his life. he went to bed very sad.

poor fella.


Natalie said...

Y'know, I thought about you all a lot tonight, during the last quarter of the game (the quarter we really paid attention, ahem), because I couldn't remember if I'd read that you were actually not NE Pats gans, or if that was someone else. I guess it was someone else.

I'm sorry Cam's so sad. James, for no reason we can determine except that he likes blue (?), was rooting for the Pats, too, but the parents here were, um, not.

I'll add, though, that J really has zero interest in sports. *I* was explaining what the objective of the game is, and he said, "Mom, I really don't care. I just like the blue guys."

He so needs to stay homeschooled (so he doesn't get beat up). LOL

Nichole M said...

Your husband is right. It's like the patriots didn't even show up to the game. Brady got sacked 4 or 5 times? In the *superbowl*??

Francine said...

Dude. Without havcing a clue what you're on about, that must feel like Oranje losing from Duitsland in the Europees Kampioenschap. Ya know?

Hugs to the little guy.