Thursday, November 29, 2007

busy week

the lineup:

hubby aged up. :) Happy Happy , babe!!!!
3 straight days of crack of a$$ rise to get to the OR early
fundraiser and honor event for a fantastic lady of whom i have the utmost respect
5 days (actually several weeks at this point! feels good good good) of gym visits, some really early in the am - tomorrow being another early rise to get there
hockey, gymnastics, and some busy school activities
and hubby and i decided to begin to assist santa this week
and work - yeah, 4th quarter push. it's game on right now -

be back tomorrow ...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

i found it ....

the creating groove! yeehah! i know that i have mentioned that i was anxious to begin to create again ... move my fingers, and brain. i haven't been writing, and plan to get back to that again, but for now, the art feels so good. i feel so happy when i am ticking away with my ideas and my hands.

so, i have been a busy bee. busy with all kinds of fun, creative endeavors. just about all are christmas gifts, and i am so excited to have had the chance to do this .....

here's a run down:

10 of these 12" different letters (first inital of names) all started as stark white, i painted crazy colors (this one is a light lavender with shocking pink trim, and orange dots- this one is k-gals ...) and now i am on to decorating them with more paints, and shapes, and sanding, and sponging, and textures. i will be adding a few embellishments, and sweet little accents. made for hanging in bedrooms.

antique muffin and bread tins. (most likely found at my grandfather's house as he was cleaning out - literally hundreds of years old.) they were FULL of rust, so i rustoleum'd them, and then painted black, awaiting decorations and embellishments. and fresh new candles with yummy scents. made for a dining table centerpiece or on an island in a kitchen.

these are journals. my intention was to create a 'grateful' journal for the recipient (letters represent the first name of those recieving these, those were plain old chipboard that i painted as well ) but i decided that they can truthfully use these for absolutely anything they desire. the covers are cardboard, i painted, sanded, buffed, and decorated the front and back of each cover (so essentially there are 4 surfaces decorated per journal) and then looped them together with different size plain colored paper, and then added a little hanging charm that says "love" or "laugh" or "peace" on a large circular clasp. they can add as many pages as they want as the time goes on. i hope they keep these forever to be honest. :o)

this is a mini album that lives in the little tin pictured (how freakin' adorable is that?!) i probably violated a cardinal scrappin' rule that you only decorate one side of the page, but hey, there was empty! space! just waiting for me to fill .... so i used up every sqaure inch. i love how it came out, and i am so thinking that the recipient of this one will adore it! i have another one in the works for another lucky devil-recipient, too.

other than that, i also banged out 6 pages in cam's "first 10 years" book that i have for him. i am up to 5 years old already(!) i have about 10 more pages to get me current in that one, then i can begin kendall's "first 10 years" book. {sigh} it sounds like a mountain, but i feel like i have ticked away at it and that feels great!

so, with that, i am off to see if i can get some finishing touches on one or two of the above mentioned items, and then i am researching a photography class to take, and crafting class (my xmas gifts from hubby! {yay!!!})

if you have any suggestions/recommendations for either of those classes, let me know, will you?

so, that's all for now ~ g'night!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

giving thanks ....

so often, i find myself giving thanks for so many, for so much ... and yet, it feels like i don't say it, or even do it enough. i am grateful for so many lives in my life.

for so many hearts.

for instance :

these two. who in their right mind wouldn't thank the angels for these two on a daily basis? :)

this was taken today at my parents house. their incredibly gorgeous new (old) place they have. a 4,000 square foot loft in downtown. yum. 25 15 foot windows overlooking the city. exposed beam, exposed brick, and hard woods throughout. it is outstanding .... again, something i am so thankful for and don't say it enough..... it was my dad's former architectural office that they have residentialized to make a home. for the next year they will be living there, and then they will be building onto our home. again, a reason to be thankful.

and then there's the rest of "them"

thirteen people here - 26 hands. the hands that touch my heart in one way or another. everyday. they range in age from 7 - 67. they enrich my life, and make my heart happy. they make my heart sing.

what are you happy for today?

happy thanksgiving .... may your blessings be many, and not forgotten.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


the conversations around here have been surrounding time. enough time to get things done. time to spend with family. time to sit and have a cup of coffee. time to finish homework. time to get to gymnastics. time to head to bed. time to get to the gym. time to brush teeth. time to have a hockey game. time on the ice. tick tock.

finding time.

my thoughts continue to be in my head. in my heart. things are motoring along. i am happy to say that i have been creating. i've got some crafts and things working for holiday gifts. i have spent the last couple of afternoons painting. yum. i will take some photos of said projects and post. plans are big for creating again tomorrow. got a chunk of time between hockey games so the plan is to hibernate and just

had a little date with the k-gal this evening. went to see the Bee Movie. very cute - i recm'd this one, floks. quite adorable with some funny little adult comments (that will completely be lost on the kids, so no worries ...) it's a very safe movie (no one dies - not even the mom!) whoops - was that a spoiler? ;)

sean and the little man are out on their own 'date' with the hockey team and a local college hockey game. i am sure they are having a BLAST!

so, with that, i have some time. i am going to do some writing .... off i go ~

Thursday, November 15, 2007


so, here i am. i am full of thought. full of things swirling in my head. i am just going to write. letting it flow, and letting it ... well, out.

there is so much happening, so much. the past year has been a period of unrest, but also growth. we are well. we are actually very well, on many levels. and on others there is the unrest. the growth.
our children are healthy and happy. 3rd grade has been a big change for the little man. he has an adjustment with the teacher he has been assigned to. she is very .... different. he is doing great academically, socially, structurally. psychologically with her? not so great. she isn't my ideal (boohoo right, he's in 3rd grade - life lesson and all, i know) but she isn't his either, from what i gather. she isn't very engaging, or charasmatic, or exciting, or even .. uhm how can i say this - interesting. a hard position to be in for an 8 year old boy. 2nd grade, on the other hand, is wonderful. the little gal is doing great - loves the teacher (little man had her last year, so we know this one well and adore her!) problem there? she's pregnant. due in Feb. very, VERY happy for her. worried a wee bit about the perma-sub that will come in; and little gal doesn't even grasp that she won't be there when she has the baby. she likely thinks that she'll strap the baby on her back and come back and teach. poor kid. guess i need to address that. bleh. together, they are doing well as siblings. challenges, yes, but for the most part, peacefully cohabitating. our marriage is strong, and healthy, and very happy. again, peacefully cohabitating - with benefits, of course. ;) our home is wonderful, our neighborhood is terrific, and our friends are here. our dogs are an amazing addition to our lives, and we enjoy them wholeheartedly. our families have their issues, and their crosses to bear, of course, as we all do. but the one member that weighs heavy on our minds of course, is Bry. he is doing well, he is healthy, and working hard in Iraq. we hear from him often, via email and also, phone. so great to hear his voice. it is comforting for sure. his wife keeps us up to speed as well, and she is handling this like a trooper.

so, where then is the unrest, you ask?

my husband's career.
a friend's daughter's new cancer diagnosis.
my 4th quarter sales objective.
my inability to let down my inhibition and create.
the unsettled feelings of not writing my book.

there. said it. weird order, isn't it. it just rattled out.

hubby's career - he is in flux right now. he has never been in this position in his entire life. sales is a hard field. it is gratifying and rewarding, and aggravating and destructive at times. he left his solid, settled-and-not-growing position about 18 months ago. he had been there for 7 years. great at the job, and well respected. bored, and stale, and not moving anywhere - he needed more. he found, what was, in theory, a phenominal fit for he and the company he went with. the owner turned out to be nothing he said he was, and made some changes that gravely affected his psyche, as well as his ability to be himself. he left. he then found the current position that had HUGE potential, and HUGE opportunity - but it's within the mortgage industry (a software piece that will provide incredible management tools to the company) and it's turning upside down right now. the owner made some changes that gravely affected his pocket, and that sucks. s.u.c.k.s. so, he is in the market again. again. and he is not happy about it. he is stressed, and worried. and he is so not deserving of this. this man is incredible. he is strong, and worthy, and rock solid, and dedicated, and determined to be the best, and caring, and loving, and loyal, and smart, and funny, and level headed, and reasonable, and ... so many things. he is a valuable employee, and an asset to any company. he will be successful, just as he has been so many times before. he will find his way. i just hate that he is in thes dang spot again. again.

my friend's daughter. she is doing well, 17 treatments into her plan. the tumor was removed, and the radiation seemingly is working. she is 5. she was 13 weeks premature and had one helluva fight back then. she is a gem, a special soul. and then this. today she began to lose her hair. her mother blogged at caringbridge about the clump of glorious red hair that she found in her hand today. i have a hole in my stomach for this family. they are phenominal. preschool friends. the oldest daughter is one year ahead of cam and is an incredible child. gifted, and charming, and creative, and lovely. why do these things happen? why.

my sales objectives, and sales opportunities. 4th quarter sucks. plain and simple. i need to get running, and get moving smarter, and faster.

creating. yeah, i've been stuck. ground right down to a screeching, careening halt. not that i was pumping things out as some of the uber talented people out there - no, the screeching was the process in my head. the thoughts to get the creating done. it just plain stopped. the ideas stopped coming. then the motivation waned. then the sadness set in. then i just filled the space with something else, and forgot that being creative felt really good. i am jonesing to create. the ideas are back. the thoughts are filling my head, and the creativity is right there - right on the tip of my fingers. i am eager to find the time, the space, and the energy to do it all again. i am ready to just allow the inspiration to come in and have a look around. it's a nice little house my head. there are definitely nice little places to be comfortable in there.

my book. or bookS, that is. i have placed this on the back burner as well. heck, a whole other stove, i think. i want to write. i want to. i'm stuck. and i know, in my heart, that once i am able to just let it flow, the stuck feeling will be gone. it'll open and go ~ ~ ~

i know it. i just need to begin it.

a wise man once said to me "it's only overwhelming when you look at all the things together as a whole. piece by piece, item by item, take it apart, and peel the layers off - given the chance to look at everything individually, you will likely tackle each piece easily."

read that again. unbelieveable advice, isn't it? it is so dangity true, too.

so, wow. if you're here - you rock. thanks for hearing me. it all seems so simple once you write it out, and clear your head.

again, on so many levels things are so good. so good. and then well, then we have the growth. it is growth. it is.

i think that's all right now. maybe more tomorrow.

thanks, too, again for the readers of the pages here. i really do appreciate it. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

2 years

today, two years ago i entered the bloggy world. it's been an interesting ride, and one that i had no idea where it would take me. for the most part, it has been cathartic for me. a form of, well, therapy. but i am not sure what's been going on for the last few months here. i am in an odd locale with regards to the writing here.

i have several things swirling in my head. i think i need to work it out and write it down ...

and i will. i will.

tonight, though, i will mull the thoughts.

so, if you've been a faithful (ha!) reader here, thank you for the time, and the interest. it isn't a public venue by any stretch, and that's been quite intentional, but for those of you that have been here, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

girl and her *bestest* friend

k-gal and i were spending some QT together at the house while the boys were busy with hockey over the weekend. i was gathering up some laundry, looking at some recipes, and heading towards the kitchen when i rounded the corner and found this phenominal sight that made me all warm inside.

she was gently stroking his nose, and speaking to him with the softest voice 'it's okay pal, i just think you are so soft, and so cute, and i love you ..... " he wasn't moving a muscle ... almost as if he knew that should he move, he would startle her and {gasp!} end the love session ....

so, of course, i grabbed the camera and tried to snap a few shots without her knowing .... she was taken by surprise and then started to become shy and embarrassed with the photos ......

she didn't move though......

i was just a total puddle of mush when i saw her doing this ..... she is just so phenominally sweet. it is amazing her love for animals - actually for ALL living beings. i am awed and honored at her gentleness, her kindness and loving nature.

i am so proud of the way she feels comfortable loving others. and i told her how happy she made higgins when she loved him like this.

and how she made me feel all warm, and proud, and happy inside. the smiles..... oh, the smiles she had on her face.

so sweet.

Monday, November 12, 2007

long weekend .....

and it was fun, and crazy, and taxing, and .... and scary ..... and so many other things.

right now, though, i have to skip on out and regroup myself.

in a nutshell, we collided with a deer late this afternoon. the deer seemingly was fine, he ran off into the woods. he was huge, sean guesstimated that he was at least 300 lbs or so, therefore, my car .. well, it isn't seemingly fine. no one was hurt, and that's the most important thing.

he had antlers, and very long legs. there is a broken window on the car, and several dents. essentially, i will need a whole new door, unfortunately. we had three kids in the car, and they were pretty shaken up. as was i. sean, ever the calm fellow was just that, calm. but shaken just the same.

scary, and just numbing how fast it happened. never saw him coming. thankfully though, otherwise, sean would have hit the brakes hard, and he would have collided with the front end of the car, as opposed to the side, and perhaps we'd be in a much different situation, i am afraid.

so, with that, i am going to regroup, and be back tomorrow.

hope your weekend was less exciting than that.


Saturday, November 10, 2007


so for several weeks now, i have been keeping a grateful journal. i write each night in the journal a short sentence reminding myself of what i am grateful for.

i love this journal. i am so attached to the process, and the wonderful calming feeling it gives me to write it down. it's mine, and all mine.

not one person has even asked me about the journal, and it's right on my bedside table.

with that, i have been thinking about the things i am grateful for now. today.

*my warm home, it's a little chilly out, and the heat is just on "enough" to take the chill off
* sleeping, tired squirts upstairs
* a husband who is here with me, at home. always.
* hockey
* gymnastics
* support and love from my family and friends
* a long, easy going weekend
* the arrival of autumn
* three really sweet dogs that give me unconditional love all the time

what are you grateful for today?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Fly-day Flee!

it's friday here, and it's juuuust about bedtime. 2.5 glasses of wine. good friends, pizza, salad, and a hockey game.

good work day. good family day.

that's all i got.

well, that.... and this:

this, is you ask? this is the tree in front of the house. this is what it looks like right now. looking up into the leaves, and the top of the tree.

it's nov 9th and the leaves are not only ON the tree still, they are green. unheard of.

shocking. the fall will arrive, and then the winter. and then, folks, i will be cold cold cold.

brrrrrrrrr (have i mentioned how cold i am .... all the time? especially in the winter???)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Starring YOU!

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

this is HYLARIOUS! My crazy sil sent this to us, and the kids and i needed oxygen after we viewed it together .... funny stuff. good clean fun!

thanks auntie!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


i am tuckered out tonight. my new manager is in town with me for today and tomorrow, and usually that means you put your best face on, and work super smart, and try and get as much done, and do it well.

normally, I do this for me, everyday, but i also have a different way of 'doing it' when it's just me watching me. (dear god, did that make sense?) but anyway ... the day started at 5:00 after a restless night of sleep, and it didn't end with him until 4:00pm. hello, long days like that in the field are not typical.
the kids had afterschool activities, and then gymnastics tonight with k-gal (her last class at that level, her coach was blue she was losing her to the next level coach ... poor kid. :( but she will still see her of course ....)
s and i ran to my parents who have been renovating their kitchen (oiy, what a project that is! it will be magnificent when it's done though!) and we gathered up the second of two large cabinet/storage units that they no longer need. they are terrific cabinets, and will be put to terrific use here, but large doesn't describe these things!
so, once home (at 7:45 PM) the race was on to get the showers, and the bedtime routine thing going. and of course, in my fatigued state (read, NO PATIENCE) it wouldn't be a complete night without an mini-battle over a silly thing - uh, toothpaste - between the beloved siblings. thankfully, it wasn't a blow out, but they both needed to apologize. ah, sibs close in age. {sigh}

so, with that - i am off to gether up my materials for tomorrow with the manager, and off to slumber land ....

oh, shoots - it was my mom's BIRTHDAY yesterday! HAPPPPPPYYYYY DAY to you, mom! love you! :o)

that's all, gooooood night!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

splendid evening ...

i have a little girl that's all smiles this evening. she received a surprise gymnastics advancement tonight at class and was told she is moving up a level!

she has been working so hard for this, and securing her elements on floor, and bars. she has her roundoff-backhandspring already, and has gotten her back hip circle. she needed her shoot through, and her front hip circle. she got them the last few weeks, and now, the lead coach sent her up to the next level!

we are so proud of her! :O) she is just beyond excited!

I cannot wait to see her face when she goes into her class next Monday - the first day of Level4.

{grins} for the little gal ..... here's a shot from the gymnastics show last year -

she was watching the "big girls" (as in the high school tumbling queens) .. i can just sense her thoughts here: 'ooo, i can't wait to be one of them!'

hooray for my little k-gal - she has been working so hard for this moment to rise! :o)

Monday, November 05, 2007

ungrumped, and feeling better

so, i have been successfully ungrumped, and talked through the ickies with those affected. :o) i am happy to report, there were no permanent scars from the incident.


it was a monday here, busy with busy-monday things. nothing to thrilling, and nothing too difficult.

the c-man had another headache episode, and it's been three consecutive days, so we called the ped. shouldn't be anything to worry about, but the history with his headache complaints (have i mentioned?) caused me to at least call the ped. awaiting his call back - he often calls by 9:00PM (ugh, that job must be endless, right?) but the practice we're in is amazing, and has been the entire time. they are the best here in the state by many opinions. so, anyway ... he is feeling fine, had a good dinner, played a little bit once home from school, and completed homework without too much fanfare. i feel encouraged that it's likely just allergy/cold related, and just a lingering head thing ....

it's my mom's birthday tomorrow so we're probably going to be creating some nice cards in the morning for her to enjoy tomorrow, and we'll get her a nice little gift to enjoy too. she is so thoughtful, and kind to everyone, she needs to be spoiled too. ;-)

alrighty - we're off to do some reading of our chapter book Ivy + Bean Vol II, so for now - 'night.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


i am a wee bit on the grouchy side.

i totally overreacted to a series of events, and barked at the kids and sean.

i am feeling icky about it.

i have apologized, and discussed it. but somehow i don't feel good about my reaction.

see, the thing is, my feelings about the event that i was upset about are real, and valid. it was my overreaction to the the feelings i was having. my point would have been far more effective had i figured out a nicer way to speak.


some days feelings suck.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

black bear ... fuzzy friend

are you kidding me? how cute is this monster mash??

Friday, November 02, 2007

the circle

it seems that life is a sphere these days .....

wake up
shower, dress
descend stairs
lunches, breakfast
laundry, feed dogs
head to bus stop
drive to account
take doggies for walk
be home by bus
activites (hockey/gymnastics etc)
bed (for them)
email & etc.

it's missing the essentail elements of: play, working out, and just plain old BEING

so, this weekend i am adding some playing and some being.


the circle is now a changed shape - perhaps an oval? a square? a hexagon?

dunno ... but i will report on this!

I missed the first day ...

dang it - i totally meant to climb on board the "blog-a-day" for November ... it's Nat'l Blog Every Day month ... and i missed it yesterday.

whoops - i'll make it up this day and post two times ...

found this picture, makes me smile so wide. it's my c-man goofing around (as per usual personality - complete cut up!) with my shoes on before a wedding we all attended recently ...

check out those legs on this kid!

he'd KILL me if he knew this was here .... :o)

off for some hockey practice, and little family dinner out at a great restaurant, and home early to bed ... will post the next blog entry later tonight.