Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Better ... and thanks

I am feeling better .... the burden was lifted after some really nice comments here (thanks, friends, you rock!) and a nice chat with the dear hubby, and also some really nice email chats with (his side of) the family that connects with me to get more info. Yes, they call me and email me. Perhaps that might be one of the stressors that I was feeling .... dunno, but in the end, I feel better. :o)

I only have a minute or two here - the little Kgal has given me strict orders to "update her music, please" on her (handmedown) iPod. :o)

What a great day today! I was at the kids school (a place I am truly honored allows me - really gives me an OPPORTUNITY - to be involved with my kids academic life, as well as social development) for kindergarten registration. I cannot believe it was only *moments ago* that she was in K - and only a few more *moments* that he was. hard to imagine that. But the newbies are so stinkin' cute .... and I knew so, so many as they are sibs of friends of my kids.

I really enjoy this school ... this community ... this wonderful atmosphere. I went to the lunch room to check in on the kids, and the lunch lady, came up to me, knowing who I was, and said, 'oh, your son is SUCH a great kid. He is so polite, and so easy going, he is always such a treat to see here". How about that?!

He is a cool kid, but I'm a wee bit biased. Then she says, and "your daughter is such a little helper to all the other kids .... good kids, you have".


thank goodness that they are fun to be around, and engaging little creatures.

Much, much better day today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're feeling better!

I can't believe I need to take Kaylee over for Kindergarten registration in a couple of weeks. Matthew seemed so "big" to me at that age and she just seems so "little", but I looked back at pics of him from then the other day, and he was just as "little". It's amazing how my perceptions of age are so different. I'm sure if Kaylee had a younger sibling, she would seem bigger to me, but since she doesn't, she's still my "baby".

How cool that you got such nice comments on the kids. Very well deserved, I'm sure. :)