Sunday, October 15, 2006

time ....

I can't seem to find enough of it the last few weeks .... as a result, the computer has suffered with my absence. Thankfully, there has been little complaints from the 'ole fella.

Busy with daily life, and a few extras ...

S was away for a boys annual weekend golfing in the lovely weather of Myrtle Beach, then I was away for work (literally 5 hours after he landed, I was off on a plane ....) for a few days, and, AND the kids never slowed down in consideration of single parenthood for us (the nerve, right?). So, without question, spending time apart has solidified the fact that S and I will be sticking together. At least for another 9 years. (marriage anniversary #9 this week, it's true ....)

the kiddies are doing well. C seems to be transisitioning with some school stuff, and struggling with a facet or two of relationship building. Not enough for us to worry (well, that's not true, we ALWAYS worry, right?) but enough struggle to warrant discussions with him. He seemingly is weepier at odd times for him, so that has our attention, and of course, gives us the platform to open the discussion. He is processing well, and we are feeling that he is handling it. He is responding to the discussions well, and has some good insight into the situations, and that leads us to independently handling it. I will say, all of it just allows us the connection to the little man he is. 'tis a work in progress with growing up thing, isn't it?

K is just blossoming. She is just so connected to the environment of school, and friends, and development. we are just so enjoying her journey. she added skating to her repetoire of skills recently, and seems to really thrive in the adventure. she assures us that "she will not be playing hockey, she is only learning to skate". yeah, we'll see. she is still deeply entrenched in gymnastics, and piano, so this is an additional. thankfully, gym is two times a week, and piano once, so the once a week skating isn't putting her over the edge, so to speak.

other than all of that (good gravy, that IS enough, yes???) life is ticking ....

I'll try and not ignore the computer too much, and get here a wee bit more.

Truthfully, my life is exactly where I have wanted it for, well, for EVER. :O)

have a good night, folks.


Anonymous said...

Awww, poor C. I recognize the whole school/social struggles -F has he weepy thing going on, too. Heck, there are days when he cries more now then he did when he was a baby. But hey it's hard to be a second grader. So many more 'mature' aspects in their friendships, so much to learn.

That is so cool about the skating! Post pictures soon!

Natalie said...

Yes, another one nodding in agreement; being 7-and-a-half isn't easy, apparently. But I know you and S are managing it well with him. But oh! the tears!

Happy 9th Anniversary! :)